Deep insights. Simply put
Carefully curated. Deeply researched. Free of ads and shackles.
There are brilliant content producers with the finger on the pulse. So we won’t regurgitate the news just to keep up with the crowd, except if the news needs an urgent second opinion. And this is not a rarity. We take our time to see through commercial biases, and noodle on the nuances behind the headlines. Always in an easily digestible form. An individual human may be pear-shaped but is never bell-shaped - meaning, statistical evidence for whole populations may not fit well with you if you’re an edge case or working in extremes. Like many of our patients. While on the programme or alumni membership we’ll take the topics you ask us about and tailor what it means to those like you. And while we use AI tools to help us search and type faster, rest assured, we don’t rely on anyone except the experts.
We geek out on:-
Preventive & therapeutic medicine
Leadership & relationships
Health-span research
Human Performance Science
Nutrition and 'Notrition' (fasting) and Nootrition (cognitive enhancement)
Sleep, Jetlag and circadian biology
Fitness & Physique
All things Psyche...

Musings on Music, the Mind and Medicine
Have you ever wondered why you feel a rush of excitement when your favourite pop song comes on the radio or feel a sense of calm when listening to a soothing classical piece? Dr. Jack Kreindler sheds light on the profound effects of music on our brains and bodies.
A passionate music enthusiast, rather than a music scientist, he delves into the fascinating world of music’s influence on human (and even non-human) biology, exploring the science behind why music affects us so deeply.

Drop your blood glucose and improve your mood: A Simple Change to Combat the Risks of Prolonged Sitting
In the quest to mitigate the health risks associated with prolonged sitting, a recent study sheds light on the benefits of breaking up sedentary time with short, light-intensity walking breaks. It is already well reported that increased time sitting, above 6 to 8 hours per day of total sitting time and 3 to 4 hours per day of TV viewing time, are associated with greater risks of all-cause and cardiovascular deaths.

A New Hope for Cancer
From hopeless in 1996 to Hope in AOH1996: The inspiring City of Hope Hospital’s own cancer research department has possibly achieved something that no other pharma company has managed since chemotherapy began in the mustard gas days. It’s an oral therapy candidate called AOH-1996 (not in humans yet).

How to put on muscle: Why less might be more.
Blood flow restriction (BFR) training is a relatively new training method, but it has quickly gained popularity among athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike. This is because BFR has been shown to be very effective at increasing muscle strength and size, even when using light weights.

The Circadian Advantage: How to Make Smarter Investment Decisions with Your Body Clock
Circadian rhythms are our natural sleep-wake cycles, our body clock. They play a significant role in every cell in our body but also in our cognitive function. Within waking hours, an individual reaches peak performance during their circadian “acrophase”, and their performance drops during their “circadian nadir”. The timing of this window of optimal alertness classifies individuals as either a morning lark or night owl chronotype. Larks experience peak cognitive performance in the morning and the opposite is true of owls, who perform better in the evening. Research has shown that circadian rhythms can thus impact investment decision-making.

Freeze your eggs or freeze your career?
Delaying building relationships and families is a common side effect when getting a big dose of cash and building a business. Younger female entrepreneurs have to think about this all the time. Investors should be more aware of this supra-added issue over the ‘let’s do it later’ family planning trend. Is the empowering option to freeze also promoting risky delays while making the IVF industry thrive.

VILPA: The Secret to a Longer Life Could Be in Your Daily Routine
New research finds that just three to four one-minute bursts of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity (VILPA) each day is associated with large reductions in the risk of premature death, particularly from cardiovascular disease.

Mental Wellness for Founders and Building Resilience
While building WellFounded, we have seen first-hand how modern society profoundly influences our mental well-being, especially for entrepreneurs where the stresses and pressures can impact their entire business ecosystem. We don't build businesses in a vacuum and it is entirely normal that we bring with us the weight of modern stress and expectation. Our role at WellFounded is to assist where this becomes overwhelming and I think some of our founders might be surprised to learn how much this involves stress management and conflict resolution. However, we believe that if we better understand the effect that stress can have on our bodies' chemical balances and in turn our decision-making we can build healthy environments for both founders and their teams.

Japan: A glimpse into a hyper ageing future society
Everyone dreams of healthy longevity. But is it really a blessing when the delicate, older leaves on the tree are relying on ever fewer strong, young branches?

Sunshine In a Pill: Can We Truly Bottle the Benefits of Light Exposure?

Decoding Genetic Tech
CRISPR-Cas9 works like molecular scissors in a way that can cleave the DNA allowing it to trigger different types of modifications that lead to a change of code in the DNA

WIRED Health 2023
Curia Reads: Peter Attia's Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity

ChatGPT and Health Advice: The Future of AI Generated Health Content

New in Longevity Studies: Centenarian Genes Shown to Rewind Heart Age by 10 Years

We let ChatGPT write an article on Metformin and Rapamycin for us

The Use of Cold Exposure to Promote Good Health
As WellFounded CEO, Dr Jack Kreindler and the INSPIRE 2022 team successfully completed their expedition to the South Pole earlier this year to explore the metabolic cost of sustained polar travel, those of us keeping a track of their journey through their social media channels were often in awe of just how much they were able to push their bodies each day in austere environments and freezing sub-zero temperatures. While not all of us will undertake an expedition in the South Pole in our lifetime, it is worth exploring the benefits of cold exposure and acclimatization in our day to day health outcomes.
Curia Reads: David Sinclair’s ‘Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To