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There are brilliant content producers with the finger on the pulse. So we won’t regurgitate the news just to keep up with the crowd, except if the news needs an urgent second opinion. And this is not a rarity. We take our time to see through commercial biases, and noodle on the nuances behind the headlines. Always in an easily digestible form. An individual human may be pear-shaped but is never bell-shaped - meaning, statistical evidence for whole populations may not fit well with you if you’re an edge case or working in extremes. Like many of our patients. While on the programme or alumni membership we’ll take the topics you ask us about and tailor what it means to those like you. And while we use AI tools to help us search and type faster, rest assured, we don’t rely on anyone except the experts.
We geek out on:-
Preventive & therapeutic medicine
Leadership & relationships
Health-span research
Human Performance Science
Nutrition and 'Notrition' (fasting) and Nootrition (cognitive enhancement)
Sleep, Jetlag and circadian biology
Fitness & Physique
All things Psyche...
Wonder Drug
Expedition Finse: The explorers return fresh from their recent adventures in Norway.
Time-restricted eating for cardiovascular health: controversy and complexity.
IF, recent headlines are to be believed, time restricted eating (TRE) may not be so good for our hearts, despite many people successfully improving body composition and cardiometabolic markers using this dietary strategy.
The Paradox of Ultra-Longevity: A Responsible Approach to Extending Healthspan
In an age where science fiction edges closer to reality, the quest for extending human life beyond its natural bounds has captivated the imagination of many. Yet, with this enthralling possibility comes a labyrinth of ethical, environmental and social implications that demand our attention. In light of the recent article in the Times, Dr Jack Kreindler shares his reflections on the the current drive towards ultra longevity and invites us to consider its implications for humanity and the Earth, unfolding the intricate tapestry of what it means to live a life extended, not just in years, but in vitality and purpose.
VILPA: The Secret to a Longer Life Could Be in Your Daily Routine
New research finds that just three to four one-minute bursts of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity (VILPA) each day is associated with large reductions in the risk of premature death, particularly from cardiovascular disease.
Japan: A glimpse into a hyper ageing future society
Everyone dreams of healthy longevity. But is it really a blessing when the delicate, older leaves on the tree are relying on ever fewer strong, young branches?
James Kirkland's Quest to Extend Health span
“It’s much better to live till you’re 90 feeling you’re 50, than to live to be 180 feeling like you’re 180,”