Leaders In. Health
HAVAS X WellFounded bring you…
The Future of Prevention Summit
26th Nov 2024, Havas KX, London
Click here for the FINAL line-up
What’s the even bigger story behind the big health story of 2024? Where should we be focusing our entrepreneurial energy, personal health efforts and investment / national budgets?
The ‘Big Story’ of 2024 was, undoubtedly the rise of Ozempic, and the GLP-1 revolution. Starting from there, we will examine why, beyond a hugely popular and effective new ‘fat jab’ with added benefits, what have GLP-1s changed in healthcare, preventive medicine, consumer driven prescribing and the pharma industry as a result. Why, perhaps, is there now no going back, and what’s next?
We will then expand out into the ‘prevention revolution’ now underway more broadly and how we foresee our future health, in terms of prevention and performance versus fending off disease and the age related decline. AI, wearables and Digital innovation will play a crucial role in this. Who is working on what technologies to change our biology to prevent disease and consumer health behaviour?
We will debate adjunct topics, in the context of our limits to research and health care spend whether ‘prevention is better than cure’, whether the longevity movement is to be wholly embraced or is diverting from urgent current needs, and what is the future role of the medical industry, the physician and doctor-patient relationship in a radically more preventive model where our our future is health and not the management of disease.
COMING SOON: We’ll announce our faculty and speakers in the coming weeks. The line up’s looking great :).
150 leaders in health (for want of any better words to describe you all), from both sides of the pond invited to join the LiH community to attend this special day with an option to attend the VIP Awards Dinner at House of Koko as Patrons and Sponsors (more detail on that special night, soon!).
IT’S FREE: The whole day is free for all. Including breakfast, lunch and post-Summit drinks mixer. This is thanks to HAVAS and WellFounded who have sponsored this and volunteered their time, premises, and teams to make this happen.
YES: If you are in a leadership role in health or patient advocacy APPLY HERE - and if there’s not enough space for this event we are planning many more to come.
YES PLEASE! If you can help with sponsorship APPLY HERE, equally, if you wish to exhibit or donate to our 150 goodie bags. This is run as a voluntary effort and Sponsorship will help us support certain speakers travel and the gala dinner for Speakers and Sponsors. Leaders In Health is strictly not for profit and we’ve secured some wonderful benefits for our Sponsors. If you would like to exhibit, gift something for our healthy goodies bag or wish to speak as a Leader In Health please contact us on leadersin@wellfounded.health
HAVAS, the multi award-winning healthcare and consumer health agency and WellFounded the pioneering founders’ health service and human performance pioneers invite select leaders in health to a new summit series to examine and deeply debate the past, present and future of our health, wellbeing and medical systems.
About LiH 2024…
Dr Jack Kreindler, WellFounded, Chair and Curator of LiH
For over a decade Jack has become known as a curator for among the most memorable, meaningful and valuable meetings medicine and health tech pioneers. Jack is obsessed with great story-telling and creating inspirational experiences from the most passionate and extraordinary experts and patients you will find - and often the ones who are not well known and hard to find.
Jack has founded, curated, chaired and spoken at many of the most innovative medical conference series globally including Singularity University’s Future Med and Exponential Medicine (with Dr Peter Diamandis and Daniel Kraft), CNS Summit, WIRED Health (with Joao Medeiros and , Founders Forum Heath Tech, London Tech Week, COGx and Next Med Health (with Dr Daniel Kraft) and TEDxLondon. In July 2024 Jack delivered the graduation address for UCL Medical School 2024 on why LIFE IS GOOD to hopefully inspire the next generation of doctors to change the way we practice and innovate in health care.
A word from our founding partner HAVAS Health
Dr Vernon Bainton, HAVAS Health, Host and Co-chair LiH
“Our goal for many years working with Dr Jack and the health innovation community is to keep bringing together the most innovative and interesting ‘Leaders In Health’ - patients, doctors, activists, scientists, policy makers communicators and entrepreneurs with the top investors, health-systems and big industry chiefs to uncover hidden realities and highlight the less obvious unmet needs or opportunities, and help translate innovations into reality.
For these one-day mini summits we have designed the event to be free to attend and to be run without payment or profit for the organisers while still attracting the most exceptional contributors to speak and participate from across the world and capture the highlights for others to see. The discussion will be strictly private to attendees to allow for frank debate.
The output is, as ever, to create the best possible connections, thought provoking debate, and thought leadership papers to steer how we invest our time and funds to more rapidly change medicine and our personal health for the better.”